Paranormal Movies

  • 02:23 Popular Bangkok crippled street beggar has Telekinesis

    Bangkok crippled street beggar has Telekinesis

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    I recorded this video in the midst of the famous Khao San Road in Bangkok, one day I was passing by during my vacations on Feb/13.Only on this night I saw this street beggar, who was crippled and had some mental health issues, doing this very simple trick

  • 02:28 Popular Real Ghost Caught On Tape

    Real Ghost Caught On Tape

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    A collection of video tapes of ghost footage. Real Ghosts Caught on Tape Video Montage.

  • 09:52 Popular Eben Alexander / The Map Of Heaven / Interview

    Eben Alexander / The Map Of Heaven / Interview

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    Eben Alexander teams up with people from all walks of life who have had profound spiritual experiences to show the reality of heaven and our true identities as spiritual beings.

  • 29:03 Popular Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation by Dr Ian Stevenson

    Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation by Dr Ian Stevenson

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    Reincarnation pioneer, Dr Ian Stevenson presents cases of children who claim to remember previous lives, and people with birth marks and birth defects.

  • 02:27 Popular 3 Year Old Boy Recalls His Previous Life and Identifies His Murderer - reincarnation case

    3 Year Old Boy Recalls His Previous Life and Identifies His Murderer - reincarnation case

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    A young boy remembers a past life "reincarnation" he had where he was murdered. The 3-year old correctly identified the spot he was buried, the village he was from, and the murderer. Is this proof that reincarnation is real? In a region near the border of

  • 09:57 Popular Evidence of Reincarnation

    Evidence of Reincarnation

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    Walter Semkiw, MD and Jim Tucker, MD discuss the reincarnation research of Ian Stevenson, MD, which involves children's past life memories that can be factually verified. Children's past lives provide evidence or proof of reincarnation and are presented a

  • 25:49 Popular The Best UFO Sightings - Spring 2014

    The Best UFO Sightings - Spring 2014

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    In this Best UFO video compilation, we present a collection of original UFO videos that were featured on, youtube/LookNowTV, in the Spring Season March thru June 2014. In addition, we are also featuring NEW Spring, 2014 UFO sightings that were never relea

  • 11:13 Popular Oprah Winfrey Show: Children's Near Death Experiences

    Oprah Winfrey Show: Children's Near Death Experiences

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    Dr. Morse patients Krystal, Michelle, and Wes Chandler describing their Near Death Experiences. Very moving. Oprah Winfrey Show.

  • 27:38 Popular Confessions Of The Unknown (2008) - Ghost encounters documentary film

    Confessions Of The Unknown (2008) - Ghost encounters documentary film

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    Paranormal Documentary Movie About Ghost Encounters From Bryn Athyn, PA, USA (2008)

  • 16:42 Popular Roswell UFO Crash - Alien Autopsy (1947)

    Roswell UFO Crash - Alien Autopsy (1947)

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    Alien autopsy was the name given to a hoaxed medical examination and dissection of a dummy depicted in a film released in the 1990s by a London-based entrepreneur Ray Santilli. He presented it as an autopsy on the body of an extraterrestrial being recover

  • 08:31 Popular Prahlad Jani, Yogi who claims he hasn't eaten or drunk and fluids, for the last 70 years

    Prahlad Jani, Yogi who claims he hasn't eaten or drunk and fluids, for the last 70 years

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    The Case of Yogi Mataji Prahlad Jani, who claims to have lived for more than 70 years without eating and drinking is, from a scientific point of view, the most interesting and spectacular case. The claims made by Prahlad Jani and the results of the experi

  • 03:00 Popular 10 Weird Facts about the Bermuda Triangle

    10 Weird Facts about the Bermuda Triangle

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    10 Weird Facts about the Bermuda Triangle. Putting fear into the heart of the bravest sailor, the Bermuda Triangle has been claiming lives for centuries. Find out more about the sinister patch of ocean with these 10 weird facts.
