Car Movies

  • 01:20 Popular Tragic car accident - why seat belts are important to you

    Tragic car accident - why seat belts are important to you

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    If this video won't make you wear your seat belt then I don't know what will.

  • 01:38 Popular Car falling on its side - crazy prank

    Car falling on its side - crazy prank

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    A girl with a flat tire stops drivers on the side of the road, asking for some help but when they try jacking it up, the car continues being jacked until it is completely on its side.

  • 00:30 Popular Saved by the lamppost

    Saved by the lamppost

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    That's why I never leave home without my lamppost.

  • 00:08 Popular Long Rally Jump

    Long Rally Jump

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    Woaaah...that's a pretty long jump!

  • 01:09 Popular Businessman steals taxi cab - funny joke

    Businessman steals taxi cab - funny joke

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    A businessman on his phone hops into a cab already occupied by customers and makes them go in the wrong direction.

  • 00:29 Popular Slippery road or nerves of steel?

    Slippery road or nerves of steel?

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    Slippery road or nerves of steel? - Park Like a Boss.

  • 01:06 Popular Fifth Wheel Parking Concept (1950)

    Fifth Wheel Parking Concept (1950)

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    In the 1950s in California someone invented a retractable fifth wheel to aid in parking. Genius.

  • 02:04 Popular Travis Pastrana jumps 269 feet in rally car

    Travis Pastrana jumps 269 feet in rally car

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    Travis Pastrana, legend of both freestyle motocross and rally racing, jumps 269 feet in his rally car live on ESPN in Long Beach. Then, of course, he back flipped into the harbor.

  • 01:31 Popular Classic Taxi Prank

    Classic Taxi Prank

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    Cars turn into fake taxi cabs and immediately get some very pushy customers.

  • 06:06 Popular Strati - The first 3D printed car.

    Strati - The first 3D printed car.

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    The world's first 3D printed car just happened and RidesWithChuck™ was there and I got a Red Carpet Ride. I am truly One Lucky SOB

  • 09:52 Popular Urban driving in San Francisco

    Urban driving in San Francisco

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    DC and Ken Block present Gymkhana FIVE: Ultimate Urban Playground; San Francisco. Shot on the actual streets of San Francisco, California, GYM5 features a focus on fast, raw and precise driving action. Filmed over four days, director Ben Conrad and his te

  • 00:26 Popular Fair Play Rally Driver

    Fair Play Rally Driver

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    Rally driver stops to say sorry
